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Is your company experiencing cash flow problems? When your company is under pressure from its creditors due to debts and unpredictable cash flow, you need to take immediate action to prevent it from being wound up.


Whether you’re concerned about a winding up petition being filed or just need to speak to an expert, we’re here to help.


Our experienced, professional team has provided help to hundreds of struggling companies. We can ensure your business gets the financial help it needs to stop creditors taking action.


From Company Voluntary Arrangement to emergency financing solutions for your business, we can implement a range of insolvency procedures to put your business back on the right track.


Browse our detailed guides to Company Voluntary Arrangement, administration, liquidation and finance to learn more about the numerous options available to help your business recover.


Or, if you’d like to speak with one of our insolvency experts, you can contact us on 0800 058 8196 or click here to fill in our contact form.


Common Financial Problems


No matter how dire your company’s situation might seem, it’s important to keep in mind that you’re not alone. Financial issues are far from uncommon for businesses, and your situation may not be as impossible to repair as it initially seems.


Every year, thousands of UK businesses run into financial issues, ranging from cash flow slowdowns to tax arrears. We’ve assisted many businesses and helped them overcome a wide range of financial problems.


Are you concerned about your company’s solvency? The most effective way to stop your company’s financial problems from causing it to become insolvent is to act as quickly as possible.


Our common financial problems guides provide detailed information on the most common cash flow problems for businesses in the UK, ranging from tax arrears to creditors filing a winding up petition.


From the causes of common financial problems to the most effective solutions for your business, our detailed financial content will help you identify what’s causing your financial issues and help you implement an effective solution.


If you can’t find the information you’re searching for on our website, our qualified and experienced business finance team is happy to provide tailored help for your business.


Read our detailed guides to common business finance problems or contact us to learn more about how we can help your business.


Company Voluntary Arrangement


A Company Voluntary Arrangement, also called a CVA, is an agreement between your company and its creditors to gradually pay off your debts over a long-term period, typically from one to five years.


Entering into a CVA can prevent creditors from winding up your business using a winding up petition. This allows you to continue trading while paying back your creditors over time and keeping your company in business.


If your company can’t keep up with its liabilities but still has a viable business that can continue trading, entering into a CVA can protect it from creditor legal action and allow it to pay back its debts gradually, improving its ongoing cash flow.


Entering into a CVA also helps your company avoid the expensive administration process, which requires you to give up control of your company to an insolvency practitioner, who will act as its administrator.


CVAs are great solutions for viable businesses that are set back by monthly debt payments that negatively affect cash flow. If you have a great business that can’t handle its payments to creditors, entering into a CVA could be a good solution.


Our CVA guides provide detailed information on the CVA process, the advantages and disadvantages of using a CVA to pay off your company’s debts and a range of other important topics for company directors considering proposing a CVA.


Read our detailed guides to the CVA process or contact us to learn more about how your company can use a CVA to recover.




Administration is an insolvency procedure that lets your company restructure itself in order to facilitate a financial recovery and pay its creditors. When your company enters into administration, it’s protected against legal action from its creditors.


During administration, an insolvency practitioner will control your company while working to turn its finances around. Your company can still enter into a CVA while it’s in administration if this is the best option for its creditors.


Administration is a popular solution for companies that need time to restructure in order to pay back their creditors. It’s not a cheap solution, but it can often lead to a complete financial recovery for your business.


Our administration guides provide detailed information on the process of entering a company into administration, the advantages and disadvantages of administration and the costs involved in the administration process.


In addition to our online content, we can provide tailored information just for your business on the administration process. Our team has helped hundreds of struggling UK businesses recover using insolvency procedures such as administration.


Read our detailed guides to the administration process or contact us to learn more about how your company can use administration to recover.




Liquidation is a process that involves closing a company and selling – or liquidating – its assets in order to generate cash. The cash earned from the sale of assets is then used to pay the company’s creditors.


Unlike a CVA and administration, both of which can potentially lead to a company’s recovery, liquidation is a process that ends a company’s trading history and results in its assets being sold off.


Your company can be forced into compulsory liquidation by one of its creditors, or it can enter into liquidation voluntarily through a Creditors Voluntary Liquidation or a Members Voluntary Liquidation.


Although liquidation will result in the closure of your business and the liquidation of its assets, there are some advantages of entering into liquidation. In some cases, you may benefit from entering into liquidation voluntarily to raise cash for creditors.


Our liquidation guides provide detailed information on the liquidation process, the advantages and disadvantages of the three liquidation options and the risks faced by company directors in compulsory liquidation.


If you’re concerned about your company being liquidated by a creditor, we’re here to provide expert help and assistance. Our team has helped many businesses avoid liquidation using several different insolvency procedures.


Read our detailed guides to the liquidation process or contact us to learn more about how your company can avoid compulsory liquidation.




If your company is insolvent, there may be options available to improve its finances and allow it to keep trading. Finance options for struggling companies include loans and solutions such as invoice factoring.


Although there are costs associated with finance, it can often be the most effective way to solve your company’s short-term cash flow issues and get it back on a path towards complete recovery.


Finance is best suited to companies with a long, successful trading history that need help overcoming short-term financial issues. If this sounds like your company, there may be emergency finance options available.


Even if your company is severely indebted and struggling with potential insolvency, there may be an option available. We work with a wide range of lenders to provide options for all businesses, even those struggling with serious cash flow issues.


In addition to loans, there are other solutions available for businesses with serious cash flow problems. We can assist your business in accessing factoring solutions to provide it with access to cash based on its invoices and purchase orders.


Our finance guides provide detailed information on the process of using loans and other financing options to improve your company’s cash flow, as well as the major advantages and disadvantages of using emergency finance to save your company.


Read our detailed guides to financing options for struggling companies or contact us to learn more about how your company can use finance to improve its cash flow.


Get expert financial help


Are you concerned about the future of your business? If your business is struggling with cash flow problems, growing debts, reduced demand or unforeseen expenses, we can provide the expert financial help you need to get it back on track.


We’ve assisted a wide range of UK businesses in many industries and provided the proven help, insight and action required to fix financial problems and offer a path towards recovery.


From proposing a CVA to avoid insolvency to using invoice factoring or cash loans to fuel short-term cash flow, we can take immediate action to solve the problems your business is facing and implement an effective long-term solution with its creditors.


Does your business need help? We’re available to provide confidential, obligation-free advice to your business to ensure you understand the options that are available and make the right decision for your company’s future.


Contact us to speak to an insolvency expert and learn more about the options that are available to your company. No matter how dire your company’s situation may seem, we can help you implement an effective, proven recovery solution.